

We hope to answer all of your questions and concerns as best as we can. Thus, we would love to provide you series of frequently asked questions which our dear users asked us regularly. Here are some questions which may enlighten your concerns and inquiries:

Q: Is this safe to use?

  • Absolutely, we use regularly updated IP's in order to protect and to keep users anonymous from the game's publisher. In fact, no reports have been collected with regards to banned users due to this hack tool.

Q: Does this support iOS devices?
  • Although we haven't introduced iOS devices in our walkthroughs, this application fully and perfectly works for both android and iOS devices.

Q: Do we need to update this hack tool?
  • Ofcourse! We offer regular automatic updates and patches to our hack tools in order to keep our hack tools safe and functional.

Q: Does this contain malware/adware or any harmful viruses?
  • We do not engage in malicious or illegal activity. Thus, we can assure you that all of our developed hack tools are safe to use. You can even use online scanners to check if the download link or our hack tool itself is filled with virus.
Q: My anti-virus detects it a virus? Should we be concerned?
  • As what we have tried to express to our users, we do not, in any way, engage in such activities. This might be considered as a false alarm since hack tools are in nature detected as harmful devices due to their ability to manipulate in-game data.
If in case some of your inquiries is not found here, then feel free to contact us at

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